Paid growth

Meta Ads

Are you ready to take your social media presence to the next level with a targeted paid ads campaign? Our Meta ads service is designed to complement your organic content and drive measurable results.

Paid campaigns start from $330 + GST.

What’s Included:

30-Minute 1:1 Consultation: We begin with a personalised 30-minute session to understand your goals and strategise the best approach for your campaign.

Ad Creation:

Ad Goal: Defining clear objectives for your campaign.

Ad Copy: Crafting compelling text that resonates with your target audience.

Ad Images/Videos: Creating up to 2 videos and 4 still images, which you’ll have full access to for posting.

Target Audience: Identifying and targeting the right audience for maximum impact.

Link Accuracy: Ensuring that all links are correctly set up and functional.

Ad Approval Process:

2 Rounds of Approvals: You’ll receive two opportunities to review and approve your ads via email.

Campaign Monitoring: 4 Ad Check-Ins: We’ll provide updates throughout the campaign, making necessary adjustments to optimise performance.

Ad Report:

Post-Campaign Results: Once your campaign concludes, you’ll receive a detailed report of the results via email.

Additional Details: Campaign Duration: Minimum of 6 weeks.

Ad Spend: Not included in the package; you’ll manage this directly.

Ongoing Ads: Monthly ad management is available. Please contact us for more details.

This is an excellent way to boost your organic content and reach a wider audience.

Let’s work together to create a campaign that drives results and grows your business!

Social Media Management Australia

Content Creation Australia​

UGC Australia

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